Top Wallpapers this week

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Funny commanders at Marionatte

   Commanders positioning themselves to make 'D' shape after successful event.  

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Timer overlay from GW2Stuff

But if you still don't like any overlay you can still use the talking timer. Don't forget to select correct server or else it wont start.

Just visit

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Website Updates

The following changes are made recently to website.

  1. Timer : Talking Timer and timer from GuildwarsTemple added .. Check Timer Tab for Boss Event Announcements of Gandara Server.

  2. WvW Live Map : WvW live map of Gandara Server can  be found on WvW tab.

  3. Codex : This tab will show map of tyria / Build Simulator/ Builds/ Crafting as found on original Codex website.

  4. Bounty: This tab will show bounty tracker. Useful for higher level Guild bounty missions. 

  5. Forum : This tab is under construction. Will be upgraded as needed by players and is private to members only . Also members have to have a google account to use this tab.

  6. Apply : Finally Apply Tab will let players apply to become a member. Also it can be used for communication if unfairly kicked or any other complains.

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TPvP Players Wanted

We are now looking for active players to join our TPvP team and see if we can go competitive. You will need the following to apply for this role;

A mic to join us on Teamspeak 3

A scary RAWR to scare away the enemies 

Be able to take orders and go above and beyond the call of duty

If you have what it takes to kill and would like to join us on the battle field then please get in touch with Blaze aka Goara.  

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Teamspeak Channel

Big thanks to for providing us TS3 Channel free of cost. So we can use it if needed for guild missions or dungeons.

To join you have to have Teamspeak 3 client installed.

Server:  Channel: Divinity Order under United Gamers.

or click this link (you have to have ts3 installed)

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Some Random Pictures

Hello everyone! Jen here^^ I found some old (and new) screens, so why not post them? ^^

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